11th November 2023
20th Anniversary Celebration!
On the 11th of November MJMDA welcomed clients, collaborators and professionals for a reception at NuBis Business Centre (Limber Lattice 2019 Quality Architecture Award Winner at KTP Awards) to celebrate 20 years of architecture and design since its founding in 2003. To celebrate this achievement, the firm released a series of commemorative products.
The products included a hardcover 330+ page publication dedicated to all the stakeholders that make architecture possible, with a forward by talented Arch. Chris Briffa. The book is a must for people passionate about better architecture & design for Malta, as well as Integrated Design and Delivery Services or Architecture as Product.
During the event, the book was officially launched and was available to be sold together with limited edition signed 20th anniversary prints by Arch. Matthew J. Mercieca. The special Edition of the book was the highlight of the launch which not only included the publication, and a pair of prints, but a specially designed book sleeve that is also an innovative light fitting. The limited edition framed prints were a great success, as well as the book.
Matthew J. Mercieca, Founder & CEO of MJMDA gave a speech at the event where he said that through the years many architects have been quoted to state what it takes to be an architect. However he mentioned that it took a lot out of him over twenty years: sacrifice, conviction and a hard head to do things differently to the status quo in Malta. But he said “at the end of the day it is about a circle, not just about the architect. It is about everybody.” He stated that it takes a nation and the fabric of the community to generate good architecture. He appealed to all at the event that “it’s everybody’s responsibility to carry a little part of the load to make it a reality”. Matthew said that what the Jammers have done over the years is not some dream and the Jammers worked on 600 projects of which they chose 60 to be captured in the capsule of the book they published.
The celebration started with having some families and friends over with their kids in a drive to inspire them and show them that ultimately ‘this is Malta!’ and the book shows just that: that working together with a vision like ‘Architecture as One’ can bring people on the island to improve things for the better. Although a lot might not be going right on the island, it does not mean that there is no good. People need to come together to support and celebrate what is good, forming part of the circle that strengthens it.
Arch. Mercieca finally thanked all those in the circle making things better a little at a time, and all the people present for their role in strengthening that circle: family, friends, colleagues, professionals, clients, contractors, suppliers and of course all the Jammers that share the vision and values of the firm.
Arch. Conrad Thake & Arch. Richard England Reviews
Esteemed Arch. Conrad Thake, publisher of many architecture books, was invited to say a few words at the launch too. He congratulated Matthew for the book which he said ‘is a work of art in itself’ and a testament to creativity and innovation. Arch. Thake said that he got to know Matthew through his projects rather than him personally at first. He said that MJMDA’s projects strike him for the great passion and love that he puts in them. He said that ‘Matthew is one of the few architects that has resisted the temptation to join the tsunami of soulless architecture in Malta.’ He said it’s probably very difficult to turn down projects that are against the ethos of a firm, and that it requires a moral fibre. Arch. Thake drew attention to the love for materials and joie de vivre that Matthew, that become a battle cry in his projects for improving peoples quality of life. He sincerely wished the firm much more success going forward.
A message from Arch. Richard England who could not attend on the night was also received on the occasion of the publication of the book, saying ‘Bravo for the book, more for the works. You know you have my admiration. Keep going, architects of your caliber are much needed in these times of the uglification of Malta.